Mahesh, an outgoing and curious teenager, discovered Makkala Jagriti during his 9th grade. Initially, he would attend the community center’s classes, play around, and return. The learning center for this 14-year-old with so much energy and enthusiasm gave him space to unapologetically be himself and blatantly express himself without any fear of judgment.
“We wanted to scream somedays and we were allowed to do that until we got tired of it” – Mahesh recalls this bursting into laughter.
Coming from a traditional school set up where only marks and ambitions were valued, to a place where he was accepted for everything he did and appreciated for his smallest creations made him feel seen and instilled in him a desire to do better. This newfound freedom allowed him to discover his love for drawing, which later became a pivotal life skill.
Mahesh played different roles at Makkala Jagriti starting from a student, to being an intern, moving to facilitator, and working with CSR projects. Later on, he worked with Dream A Dream as a facilitator of arts and got an opportunity to be a part of a student exchange program in the US. He completed his diploma in Early Childhood Education in the US and started off his career in the corporate world back in India. He worked with Vivo, and Xiaomi, and is currently working with Titan, handling the large format category training for south region.
The collaborative spirit and the freedom to take risks and learn from mistakes that he imbibed from Makkala Jagriti have been instrumental in his professional success. He continues to carry a sketchbook with him, drawing upon the skills he honed at the community centrer, creating mind maps and sketches that aid his work at Titan. Mahesh’s journey from an inquisitive teenager to a leader in the corporate world is a testament to the transformative power of Makkala Jagriti and its enduring impact on his life.